How can I find out about activities, clubs, and events in The Villages?
The Villages, FL has thousands of activities, clubs and events. How do you find out what, where and when? There are lots of ways to find out. Keep reading to find out all of the resources!

Lucky for all of us in The Villages, there are lots of ways to get involved in all The Villages has to offer! The Villages' Daily Sun is our newspaper and available for daily delivery. It can be purchased at newspaper machines at the mailbox stations throughout The Villages. Tune your radio to WVLG, the official radio station of The Villages, at FM 102.7 and 104.5, depending on where you live. You can hear about events such as health fairs and festivals highlighted daily while listening to excellent music! The Villages also has its own cable access channel. It is on channel 2 on Xfinity. Activities, clubs, events, and local weather are all highlighted on the channel. The Villages Recreation and Parks Publication is available every Thursday at any rec center in The Villages. This invaluable publication will tell you what is going on at all rec centers and pools every day for the next week. Aren't living down here yet? The publication can be viewed on The Villages' website under the departments and recreation tabs. Also on the computer or smartphone, a list of groups can be found on Join the discussion board to connect with residents who are members of the clubs and groups you want to join. Last, The Villages app on your smartphone will let you search for activities, clubs and events based on title, location, or date. Above picture is what the screen looked like when I searched for Zumba, a Latin-music, based exercise class.